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Teachers in Uganda have an average salary of 400,000 Ugandan shillings, which corresponds to about 106 euros per month, working from 7.40 in the morning until 16.30 in the afternoon, for 5 days a week. The months of teaching are 10 but teachers receive one salary for 12 months. It is not so much but they manage to lead a dignified life. Schools reserved for the richest families can afford salaries of up to 370 euros, but ours cannot. Despite this, aware that the education and preparation of our children must be of an above average level, we wanted to personally take care of the choice of our teachers by selecting them among the best available in Kampala. They are all extremely intelligent young women with a great passion for teaching. They immediately embraced our project because they understood that in our school in Kibiri we help the last of the least. This is why we are happy to have them in our team. They are important people because in addition to lessons, they attend the children's breakfast and lunch and take care of relationships with families. Adopting a teacher therefore means helping us pay his monthly salary by making a donation of at least 100 euros. We would like, also for its didactic and symbolic value, that this possibility be seized by European schools and teachers, who could adopt one of their Ugandan colleague on their own or in a group. As for children, through Skype, you can talk directly with them, get to know them better and find out what their needs and any difficulties are, be informed about their school activities, perhaps helping them with advice and good practices. Or simply converse in English about this and that with a distant colleague, sharing words, smiles and images with her.

Adotta un insegnante della Scuola Elementare "Deborah Ricciu - Espandere Orizzonti" a Kibiri, Kampala (Uganda)



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